Country | City | Population (1,000) |
Area (㎢) |
Sisterhood Date | Features |
Japan | Karatsu | 127 | 487.48 | 1982. 3. 5 | Tourism, fishery city, ceramics, motor boat competition site |
China | Hangzhou | 10,360 | 16,847 | 1994.11. 1 | Best city for tourism in China, capital of Zhejiang Province |
China | Weihai | 3,000 | 5,797 | 1995. 2.27 | Far east end of Shandong Peninsula Opened the first direct airway route from Korea(Inchon) |
Philippines | Cebu | 866 | 315 | 1996.10.23 | Central city for trading at south of Philippines |
Mexico | Querétaro | 833 | 759.9 | 2002. 9. 3 | Former capital of Mexico Federation UNESCO designated human cultural inheritance |
Trinidad and Tobago | Port of Spain | 49 | 10.4 | 2007.9.17 | Domestic commercial center Trade center of West Indies |