Bonghwasan Mountain
AddressMipyeong-dong, Yeosu-si, Jeollanamdo
RecommendRecommend 3 Good

Detailed Description

Bonghwasan is famous for its trails and forest lodges with abundance of camellia and Korean hornbeam trees. The pagodas along the trail may invigorate you. There are also places and facilities for resting, exercises, adventures and education. You can also see the Yeosu city and southern sea from the top of the mountain.

Information Use

Attractions Service Information
Opening Days/Closing Days Open all year round(opening hours : 00~00 ) / , 연중무휴()
Admission Free
Parking None.
Strollers Rental impossibility
Facilities For The Handicapped None
Foreign Language Guides impossibility

Facilities / Adjoining Facilities

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